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Michael K H Leung

Michael K H Leung

City University of Hong Kong, China

Title: Functional nanomaterials for sustainable energy


Biography: Michael K H Leung


Advanced energy conversion and storage technologies, including fuel cell, metal-air and metal-sulfur batteries, solar photovoltaics and photocatalysis, etc., are shaping the future of sustainable energy. The development of functional nanomaterials plays a crucial role as core driving force for the revolution of these technologies. Present active research efforts aim to achieve scientific breakthrough via (1) engineering intrinsic properties, such as bandgap, charge carrier mobility, charge and spin density distribution etc., and (2) increasing active sites, including morphology control, preferred crystalline facet control, increasing specific surface area, etc. In this presentation, the speaker will discuss the latest development and future trend of nano-photocatalysts and carbon-based electrode materials for various applications towards sustainable energy.