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Azharul Karim

Azharul Karim

Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering
Queensland University of Technology


Dr Azharul Karim is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Discipline, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He received his PhD degree from Melbourne University in 2007. Through his scholarly, innovative, high quality research, he has established a national and international standing. His excellence in research has been demonstrated by development of many innovative new products, 2 international patents, 142 high quality refereed publications (including 57 Journal papers, 2 books and 12 book chapters), 13 research grants amounting A$3.1 million including one highly competitive Advanced Queensland fellowship, being invited by reputed universities for seminars and establishment national and international research collaboration. In last 5 years, 12 of his papers have attracted about 1000 citations with h-index 15. His current research areas are Solar thermal energy, use of nano-fluid in Thermal Storage, Concentrating PV-thermal collector, Food Drying and Lean manufacturing. He is regarded one of the emerging researchers in Australia in ‘solar thermal research’ and ‘lean manufacturing’ areas. He has chaired many reputed conferences and is reviewer of many reputed journals. Dr Karim’s innovative product development capability is well recognised.

Research Interest

Solar thermal energy,Concentrating PV-thermal collector,Food Drying and Lean manufacturing